The Original Waitress-Stories

About 25 years ago, I started waitressing...
About 8 years ago, I started blogging about it....

After working for years in every kind of restaurant I could imagine, I finally hit the point where I just had to start sharing some of the super silly, sad, scary, and downright HILARIOUS moments as a waitress. Those moments that make you wonder what people are thinking - and those moments that only someone who has worked in the Restaurant Industry for more than a day could understand.

So I created the blog 

I LOVED IT. I loved writing on it. I loved sharing some of the little details about people I met - and I absolutely needed to vent after some of the shifts I worked.

My favorite parts were the comments. It's pretty easy to tell who is and isn't in the Restaurant Industry.

However, I wasn't destined to be a waitress forever. I have a teaching degree and a marketing degree. I wanted to find something that offered slightly better hours as my kids got older. So my life changed a bit.

The last few years have been a BLUR! A couple different jobs, a lot of moving, a divorce, and all kinds of fun.

I have a "day job", so most of my time is taken up there. However, throughout the past few years, I have maintained a part time waitressing gig. I never stopped seeing my daily "adventures" as something I wanted to share with the people I know have visited my original blog.

So I spent HOURS trying to remember the passwords, the phone numbers, the emails, and the security questions to the original. No luck.  & I'm giving up.

Some of the original posts may show up here. There were quite a few that sparked some debate - and quite a few that still make me laugh EVERY time I read them.

Long story short...  I recently quit ANOTHER waitressing job - only to return two weeks later. Is it a calling??  I doubt it. But maybe an addiction. 

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